Helping Couples Boost Their Chances of Conceiving and having a Healthy, Happy Baby with a Holistic Approach That Addresses the Root Causes

If you are struggling to conceive naturally or via IVF then I’m here to help you. We’ll work together to create the best environment for conception to happen.

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Struggling to Conceive? You are not alone.

Is the situation putting a strain on your relationship with your partner, leaving you feeling unsupported?

Are you feeling stressed, frustrated, and depressed because conception doesn’t seem to be happening?

Do you spend a lot of time online trying to find the answer then find yourself feeling overwhelmed and confused?

Is the situation putting a strain on your relationship with your partner, leaving you feeling unsupported?

Are you increasingly feeling isolated and alone on this journey not knowing who to turn to?

You sense the need for change but struggle with where to start or how to fit it into your busy life.

Does the thought of IVF worry you in terms of the physical and emotional stress but also the financial burden?

Are you finding that all the constant busyness of life has somehow left you disconnected from who you really are?

Firstly, there is usually a lot you can do to improve your ability to conceive. Unfortunately, some of these are not things that most conventional medical professionals will help you with. Simply, because they don’t fall within their realm of expertise. They also don’t have the time to provide you with the key area of emotional support.

Secondly, I understand how you feel and will hold your hand, answer questions, support and guide you along the way.

Key factors impact conception

6 Key Factors that Impact Your Fertility

Whether you’re preparing for IVF or exploring natural fertility methods, I’m here to support you every step of the way. Together, we’ll work to optimise your chances of conceiving and creating the healthy, happy family you’ve been dreaming of.

Programmes and Services

My Programmes to Boost your Fertility

Fertility Focus Call

This free 30-minute call offers a safe space to discuss your fertility challenges with someone who truly understands. Together, we’ll identify key areas to address to boost your chances of conceiving, whether naturally or through IVF.

Cleanse Balance and Boost Programme™

This 60-day one-to-one programme helps create the best environment to boost your chances of conceiving and having a healthy baby.
It benefits those who have been trying without success, recovering from loss, or facing IVF challenges like weight issues, it also supports couples preparing to start their journey. By addressing key fertility factors holistically, it provides the guidance and emotional support you need along the way.

OptiMum Fertility Formula ™

This comprehensive 6-month programme supports you and your partner to optimise all the key areas that have an impact on your fertility, boosting your chances of conceiving and having a healthy baby. It also lays the foundation for parenthood and raising a happy, healthy child.
Together we’ll address your health, nutrition, mindset, relationship, toxins, and environment—all in a fully supported, positive, and peaceful space to guide you through this journey.

IVF Preparation Pathway Programme™

Preparing yourself and your partner physically and mentally for IVF can significantly boost your chances of success.
This 90-day programme tackles the underlying factors affecting fertility, helping you create the family you long for while potentially reducing the number of IVF rounds needed, along with the emotional, physical, and financial strain of the process.

Follow-on Support During Pregnancy

I provide a range of follow-on support packages after you complete one of my programmes.  These can be personalised to your specific requirements and timelines.

Many clients have found getting some further emotional support valuable in the early stages of pregnancy to keep them positive and on track with maintaining a healthy lifestyle. They value having someone to turn to receive advice and to answer any questions that might come up for them.

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Natural Fertility Boosting Secrets

Connect with a supportive community of women on similar journeys and gain expert guidance in a private, confidential space.

About Me

Hi, I'm Sue Ritchie

I’m here to help you navigate the challenges of conception with a warm, compassionate, and holistic approach. I know firsthand how difficult and emotionally draining this journey can be. My passion for supporting couples like you stems not only from my professional expertise but also from my personal experiences and lessons learned along the way.

Ideal client

Who I Work With

I specialise in supporting busy, professional women and their partners, typically aged 30-45, who are facing fertility challenges and are ready to take a holistic approach to boost their chances of conceiving and having a healthy baby. 

My ideal clients are proactive, open to exploring lifestyle and mindset changes, and seeking compassionate, personalised guidance to navigate this deeply personal journey. They appreciate that they will need to commit wholeheartedly to making any necessary changes if they wish to succeed in increasing their chances of conceiving and having a healthy baby.

Many of the women and couples I work with are:


Preparing for conception is the best gift that you can give to yourself and your future child. As with many things in life when we take the time to prepare, we increase our chances of success. When it comes to conceiving it is no different. Sperm and egg health are affected by your lifestyle, diet and environment. All of these have an impact on the health of your baby. The healthier you both are before you start trying for a baby the more likely you are to conceive and have a healthy baby.

The big plus is that you will then step into parenthood in great health with a calm and positive outlook on life which can only be of huge benefit to supporting your child on their journey to adulthood.

As human beings we are not just a physical body. We also have a mind and a spiritual side to us. Our mind, body and spirit are all connected and each has an impact on the other. 

This is why when it comes to our fertility it is important to take an holistic approach in order to increase your chances of success. Other factors that are often overlooked are the vital importance of the health of our gut microbiome, stress, lifestyle factors, as well as diet and nutrition.

With my specific tried and tested personalised holistic approach I have helped many women make their dream of having a healthy baby come true, despite them having had the challenges of trying unsuccessfully for many years, suffering painful losses, being devastated by IVF failure, dealing with PCOS and weight issues.

A Harvard Medical School study measured what happened when women who were having difficulty conceiving were given specific support and taught how to manage their thoughts and their mindset. 55% of the women who were taught how to identify negative thought patterns and separate truth from fear had a baby compared to 20% for those who didn’t receive that support.

Source: Journal of Fertility and Sterility (2000)

our testimonials

What My Clients have to say…..

“Being a plus size lady with PCOS things were always tough for me in this space. At age 37 me and my husband had been trying for a baby for over 7 years of our marriage, and as our age was creeping up so were some of our other health and fertility issues. Sue kept me fully accountable and on track throughout her programme (and continues to support me after as well). I lost 1 stone 2lbs in weight and 15.5 inches from my overall body measurements. The biggest result was a reduced period cycle bringing my irregular cycle into balance, which also helped make my ovulation dates more predictable. I knew there were massive shifts happening internally. The best part of the whole journey with Sue, two months after completing her programme and adopting certain lifestyle and nutrition changes, I successfully conceived, and we are expecting our first baby after trying for 7 years. If you are thinking to work with Sue, I would not think twice! Go for it! It has been such a significant turning point in my life and one which I desperately needed, and Sue helped me so much with this transition. I am so happy and grateful I chose Sue to work with. I cannot thank Sue enough!”


“After 3 years of trying with 4 losses and 2 unsuccessful rounds of IVF I am now 22 weeks pregnant. I conceived 4 months after working with Sue improving my health and especially my gut health. I am so delighted.”


Sue has helped me immensely on my conception journey. After trying for a couple of months, I came across her website and was intrigued to find out more. Sue put me on her 60 day Cleanse, Balance and Boost programme that transformed the way I now think about food. After following her diet and lifestyle plan not only did I feel great physically and mentally but to my surprise I fell pregnant the following month! We are so grateful for Sue’s guidance and support and cannot recommend her enough. Sue then also helped guide and support me in my first few months of pregnancy in keeping a positive mindset and just someone I knew I could reach out to with any worries or questions. I will always be grateful to Sue for guiding us through this journey!



"Before Sue came into my life, I was feeling really low, exhausted , underactive thyroid and on medication, bloated. My skin was terrible. I had dry patches everywhere and itchy all over. I was constipated and very negative. I was just not in control of my body or my mind. I started Sue's programme only 6 weeks ago and I feel like a new woman. I honestly wake up with a smile on my face. I have so much energy, but best of all I now have a positive outlook on life."

Julie Bolton
Julie Bolton


“I was looking for a healthier diet and an alternative approach for CFS after being told by experts I would never recover from CFS, BUT I WAS DETERMINED and I believe I was divinely guided to Sue and her programme. I had been struggling with Chronic Fatigue for 10 years. I already do recommend Sue's programme to everyone I know as I have improved so much in only three months I want everyone to know. I've lost a stone without even trying and with hardly any exercise! My energy levels have gone from 2/10 to 8/10. I no longer need painkillers and antidepressants. The need to take a rest 3-4 times a day is a thing of the past. I now go out socially and not have to leave early anymore. Gained confidence and learned to take more care of myself. To be honest I feel that I have been brought back from the brink.”

Caroline Beasley


"The hardest decision in embarking on a programme like this, is to just DO IT! Getting started is the biggest and most difficult decision to make, but when you are faced with the choice of "medication for life or your health won't improve", to being able to live a healthy life with no medication, I knew the choice was then simple. “Working with Sue has been one of the best decisions of my life. She is not only an amazing lady, but provides constant coaching and support throughout the whole programme. So much so, that I have lost 1.5 stone in weight so far, and the inches have dropped off and my business' are starting to thrive. I feel great.”


Utah, USA

I met Sue in a round about way. Very thankful that I did. We got to talking about my Rheumatoid Arthritis and she told me about this program. I got on it right away, because I was tired of being tired and want the arthritis to leave my body. Product delivered almost as soon as we hung up the phone. Me in the USA & her in London. I couldn't believe how fast my order arrived. The results, I lost weight (unexpected) my energy levels are WOW! I didn't realize how much junk was in my system. I'm still taking one of the supplements. The inflammation factor was very low, I specifically asked my RA doctor to check how my levels were. They are very low now, 10 years ago after being diagnosed with severe RA, the factor being off the charts it was so high. It’s great to know that one of my drugs has been reduced & am tapering off of it & will be off of it in 3 months! Next visit, I hope he no longer have it. Thanks Sue & for all the great, yummy recipes, hints & tips to get me off these drugs. I can't thank you enough. I look forward to updating my testimonial to YAY! It got me off the RA meds!

Ten Surprising Things that will Boost your Fertility

This report highlights 10 things that will increase your potential for  conception. Many of these might come as a surprise to you, simply because they are not widely talked about. They do, however, have a significant impact on your fertility and are backed by research. A key reason for that is that the medical profession expertise is focused purely on the physical part of reproduction. 

If you are a professional woman looking to conceive, who is finding that it isn’t happening as quickly as you would like then this report is for you. It’s packed with lots of useful tips to help you identify the areas where you may need to make some changes to increase your chances of realising your dream of having a baby.

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