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My Different Approach to Boosting Fertility




September 8, 2020


I want to share with you why I have a different approach to fertility and why.

The words to this song by Whitney Houston – Greatest Love of All really resonated with me and touched my heart when I heard it recently. I realised that it not only summed up my mission in life and why I am The Fertility Coach, but it is also why I created my OptiMum Fertility Formula Programme. You see I  want to help you to conceive, but along with that I want to help you to become the best parents you can be too, because I believe along with preparing for conception we should also prepare for parenthood.

I believe the children are our future,

Teach them well and let them lead the way

Show them all the beauty they possess inside,

Give them a sense of pride to make it easier

Let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to be

Because the greatest love of all is happening to me,

 I found the greatest love of all inside of me

The greatest love of all is easy to achieve.

 Learning to love yourself, it is the greatest love of all

Let me show you why these words mean so much to me. How they really relate to what I do and why they are so important.

Your Health is Important

I want to help you to optimise your health, because our health at the time of conception and through pregnancy affects the health of our children. Our children’s health when they become an adult is pretty much decided within the first 6 months of their life. Our gut health is key here, because children inherit their gut microbiome through vaginal birth and through breastfeeding. It is our gut microbiome that will determine whether we are healthy or go to dis-ease.

Can you imagine the gift your child will receive, because it has healthy parents who know and understand how and why it is important to eat healthy food? But equally important is the gift you will  be giving to yourself by taking care of your health.

Your Gift to your Child

I also want to help you to become the best parents you can be. For me this is about learning how to become a conscious parent. This all starts with us becoming the best version of ourselves and my OptiMum Fertility Programme helps you to become just that.

When we take responsibility for our own health and managing our mindset, and we are able to maintain a positive attitude our life becomes better and easier.  If things don’t go our way we are able to see them as opportunities for us to learn and do things differently. Rather than a total disaster.

Children learn more from our behaviour than what comes from our mouths and they model it. And believe me they are very astute from a very young age. I remember reading about a woman who didn’t value herself and her three year old daughter said to her one day. “Mummy why do you always tell people bad things about you”. This was a big wake up call for her to change the way she thought about herself and to change her inner dialogue and start loving herself.

Now I am not sharing this because I want to scare you, far from it. We are only human beings and we won’t always get it right or perfect.   That is OK. But if we are aware and conscious of our own behaviour and talk, we can always recognise it. Then we have an opportunity to explain why we had got it wrong to our children.

Setting the Intention

I certainly didn’t get it right. I do feel uncomfortable and have regrets about some of the things my two children have inherited from me.  I did the intention that I wouldn’t repeat some key things that I had been on the receiving end of as a child.

My father, for all the best reasons, was always critical of what I said and what I did. This meant that all through my life I have been afraid to speak up about my opinion.  I didn’t like to share my views for fear of being shouted at or being wrong. I would always defer, even though I felt strongly that my view was correct. It led to a fear of public speaking.

If anybody shouted at me, I would retreat and become the little child. I’d just want to run away and burst into tears. There certainly were a couple of times in my corporate marketing career when I had a bully of boss.  He shouted at me. I  just burst into tears and ran to the toilets. I just couldn’t help it.

At university I never attended a tutorial. I was too scared to share any work that I had done or my opinion. I was fearful that someone wouldn’t like what I said or I got something wrong. The fear of failure and being judged was a big thing for me.

Healing childhood wounding

I made a conscious decision, before I had my first child, that I would never criticise my children or call them stupid, no matter what they did. I am very proud of the fact that my children are both comfortable to speak up for themselves and are confident in speaking in public.

One of my big regrets is that I wasn’t able to heal some of my childhood wounding before I had my own children. As a result, I know that some things have been passed on. But life back then was different. I don’t think there were many people around who were practising healing like there are today.  At least I wasn’t aware of them. Today it is a very different picture.

Luckily over the past few years I have benefited from a huge amount of healing of these issues. So I  have trained to help others to be able to benefit from healing issues.

This is why as part of my programme,  I help you to identify, work through and heal these things prior to conception.  So that you not only become aware, but you can move into a place of self-love and you can help to prevent these being passed on to your children.

The OptiMum Fertility Formula

Most of all, my programme is about helping you to up-level all areas of your life, your health, your nutrition, your gut health, your mindset, your relationship with your partner and yourself so that you increase your potential to conceive and create your bundle of joy.  But you also get to go on this journey enjoying your life and feeling empowered to handle the ups and downs.

Like to know more? Book a Complimentary Fertility Focus session today

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